Cook­ie Policy

What is a cook­ie?

A cook­ie is a small text file that a web­site stores on the vis­it­or’s com­puter. Many web­sites use cook­ies so that vis­it­ors are able to use their vari­ous fea­tures. The in­form­a­tion con­tained in the cook­ies can also be used to track a user’s surf­ing be­ha­viour on web­sites that use the same cook­ie.

Why are cook­ies used?

Our web­site col­lects cook­ies in or­der to im­prove its con­tent and ser­vices for our users. This helps us op­tim­ise and de­vel­op the web­site.

What cook­ies do we use and why?

  • Strictly ne­ces­sary cook­ies: Without these cook­ies, we can­not provide the ba­sic fea­tures of our web­site. They can­not be de­ac­tiv­ated in our sys­tems.
  • Per­form­ance and ana­lyt­ics cook­ies: These cook­ies en­able us to count vis­its and sources of traffic in or­der to eval­u­ate and im­prove the per­form­ance of our web­site.
  • Func­tion­al cook­ies: We use these cook­ies to provide you with im­proved func­tion­al­ity and per­son­al­isa­tion dur­ing your vis­it to the web­site.
  • Tar­get­ing or ad­vert­ising cook­ies: These cook­ies can be used on our web­site by our ad­vert­ising part­ners to cre­ate a pro­file of your in­terests and sug­gest rel­ev­ant ad­vert­ise­ments to you.

Some of the cook­ies on our web­site are stored by us; oth­ers are stored by third parties on be­half of Huber's People.

Be­low you will find a list of all the cook­ies and oth­er track­ing tools used by this web­site:

Cook­ies or oth­er track­ing tools
_ga, _ga_xxxxxxxxxx

Per­form­ance and ana­lyt­ics cook­ies

2 years

Third-party or first-party cook­ie
First-party cook­ie

Cook­ie provider
Google Pri­vacy policy

Cookies or other tracking tools

Targeting or advertising cookie

3 months

Third-party or first-party cookie
Third-party cookie

Cookie provider
Meta Privacy policy


Cook­ies or oth­er track­ing tools
djan­go_lan­guage, csrf­token, deny_all

Func­tion­al Cook­ie

12 months

Third-party or first-party cook­ie
First-party cook­ie

How are cook­ies man­aged?

Every type of cook­ie serves a spe­cif­ic pur­pose. If you ac­cept all cook­ies, you will en­joy a fully per­son­al­ised web ex­per­i­ence. We make it pos­sible for you to se­lect if you want to ac­cept cook­ies or block them. Block­ing cook­ies may im­pact the user ex­per­i­ence of the web­site and the ser­vices we provide. Nev­er­the­less, you can still use the ser­vice even if you do not con­sent to cook­ies, with the ex­cep­tion of strictly ne­ces­sary cook­ies.

Click here to re­voke or up­date your con­sent:

Sämtliche Tracking Cookies deaktivieren

If you are not in­ter­ested in the be­ne­fits of our cook­ies, you can click on ‘Help’ in your browser for a guide on how to block cook­ies or de­lete ex­ist­ing cook­ies. Ad­di­tion­ally, you will see how to set your browser to block all new cook­ies and what con­fig­ur­a­tion steps are ne­ces­sary to re­ceive no­ti­fic­a­tions about new cook­ies.

In any case, your se­lec­tion (con­sent/re­jec­tion) will be stored for a peri­od of six months.

You can find ex­tremely help­ful in­form­a­tion about cook­ies in gen­er­al on these web­sites:

How can you con­tact us?

If you have ques­tions, com­ments or con­cerns about this policy or if you wish to ex­er­cise your stat­utory rights as a data sub­ject with re­gard to your per­son­al data, please con­tact the re­spons­ible per­son un­der Imprint & Privacy .

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